Monday, May 08, 2006

ding-a-ling! for Redang too?

If you happen to pass by the ice cream booth often enough, you would have heard the ding-a-ling’s for ice creams for sure… but did you hear the one for Redang? Hehe. There were indeed a few members who very well portrayed their pasar malam marketing skills by ringing the bells and shouting “REDANG, REDANG, REDANG, 3 days 2 nights, RM300 for members, RM315 non-members, 3 snorkelling trips, all meals included………….”.

Well, thanks to their greatest effort, the booth did attract quite a number of people. The countdown of seats left were going off pretty fast… summing up the final happening bunch of 40 who were going to Redang as soon as the mid-sem break commences!

The night of 15th April finally came… the foyer was filled with island-goers all excited n ready to have funnnnnnnn !!! Everyone climbed in the bus as soon as it arrived… we had to wait for Indon mafias : enrico, indra, reza + marlene for a bit. But as soon as they hopped on, the bus driver shot off to Kuala Terengganu.

K lar, he didn’t actually shoot off.. he took off. And he was a very safe driver. Safe enough for us to take pictures and try to doze off to sleep.
We stopped a couple of times before reaching the Jetty… but everyone looked abit zombie-ish. So no pictures till breakfast time. We stopped at some cina hawker at 6.30 a.m. which plays eery chinese orchestra music. But served quite a variety of food… which was pretty cheap as well.

The journey continued n we reached the jetty. It was drizzling… but there was a rainbow in the sky. Definitely a sign of a good trip ahead!

The boat wasn’t punctual. Thankfully there was a decent funny toilet around. If not, burst lar.

When the boat came… priority was given to onions, eggs + chicken wings first.

But finally…. We got on the boat and were on our way to Redang… our paradise.

As we came close… the water was crystal blue… just beautiful...

And we all just couldn’t wait to get out of that BOAT!!!

*This post shall continue tomorrow (i hope!)… more exciting, scandalous pictures coming up soon!

Done by, sher leen.


whazoole said...

wowww sherleen! so terrer.. nice job doing the 'journey' to redang! lol.. spending the whole day n whole nite writing and editin pics. a true dedicated member.. aihs. oh well, only 3 posts left to go: day 1, 2, 3!!

Anonymous said...


sherleen..!! 1 word...C0oL...!!!
great job!!

missing redang very much...

very excited looking at this website...hehehhehe.....

PS: wHat's WitH thE iNd0n MaFias ?? =P
well..i decided to make it as my identity in this MBC^_^

looking forward for another trip with MBC..!!! COOLLLL..!!!!!