Wat the melon? That is the theme of MBC’s 2007 Networking Party. We opened our doors at 6.30pm. Then, the PR members and committees were there to welcome all who came to join the party. MUSA council members came as well, including the president Dahlia Martin. At first we were a bit worried that members do not turn up, but there were about 50 people came and some even came and paid on the spot! Some even joined as a member to get cheaper tickets. Haha! Anyway, majority of the members conformed to the theme. Most were wearing red shirts, some yellow and some green.
*Yummy pizzas...*
*Greedy Clement was enjoying his watermelon*
*The ice-breaking game...*
Then, moved on to the next game, members were divided into group of 6 to 7. It was some sort of a number game. Yun Fook picked a few numbers ranging from 1 to 100 and wrote it on a piece of paper (and kept secret). Then each team will have to pick numbers other than the number that Yun Fook has picked. If not, the balloon will burst and the team loses. Punishment is to eat wasabi spaghetti. There was one particular “lucky” team which lost 3 times in a row. This game was full of suspense and shocking.
*Jackson: Hey! Its good to share...*
*Wei Keat: Errm... Why not we share your money instead? :p*
Next, the balloon war. Teams had to tie balloons on their hands and legs. Then, they had to attack the “enemy’s queen” and protecting their own “queen” at the same time. It lasted quite long and still, there are no results. In the end, Yun Fook decided that the first team who loses will end this game. And this time, Andrew, the Head of MM Shop Department went to the extreme and decided that punishment is to eat CILI PADI. Those poor people who so coincidently won in the second game are the losers this time. They just chewed on the green powerful vegetable and the next thing is their faces turn red and tears are coming out from their eyes.
*Oh my god... The Cili Padi is sooooooo...... Green~~~~~*
The fun did not end there. Laura the president started the next game called “Simon Says”. Members were again sitting in a big circle and running around within the circle, giggling like little kids. Anyone with the criteria stated by the person in the middle must change seats. The lone person left without seats must stand in the middle to continue the game. The criteria called out are pretty much common, but some interesting things happened. Mid-way throught the game, some member's chair actually fell backwards! It seems that they ran too fast. Too excited I guess. Besides that, one of the chairs that Laura aimed for actually gave in when she sat on it! The iron bars of the chair must have been spoilt before that. (Or mayb she ate too much spaghetti LOL).
Soon, members got bored of "Simon Says". The game was switched to 7 Up. Numbers 1 to 7 are shouted in sequence and the cycle repeats. Those who got the number 4 and 7 must stand up and say "7 Up". Failing to do that, they get punished. Even those who stood up when they're not supposed to, get punished! After that, the game was made tougher by shouting numbers 1 to infinity, and those who got multiples of 7 must stand up and say "7 Up". After a few rounds, another new games was introduced.
The final game was the acting game. It's not really acting though. Members were divided into 4 groups. For each round, they must send a representative. Yun Fook mentioned the title, and the representatives must express the title, e.g. Spiderman, Mr. Bean, volleyball, etc. The one who is different from the others loses.
After all the games were over, all the members were exhausted from the shouting and screaming and also the excitement. Chilled soft drinks were made available to the members to quench their thirst. It is also the photo session. And we did not forget to take a group picture. =) Some members stayed back to socialize even more while drinking. Looks like the party is a success!
Those who went, I would like to thank you guys for coming. And thanks a lot to members who stayed back to help the committee to clean up the place. Your help is very much appreciated!
I would like to hear feedbacks from you too! Do drop a comment in the chatbox or email us at
mbizclub@gmail.com. See you in the upcoming activities!Prepared by, Jeannie
Edited by, Laura & Jac
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