Saturday, February 25, 2006

our artistic side

coming soon to a foyer near you, the monash business club membership drive cum 2nd hand book sale! it'll be starting from the 27th, which is when uni starts lah, to the erm 10th i think. yeah. and for those of you who might be new and are wondering where the foyer is, here's a helpful guide prepared by your seniors who have been around for 2 to 3 years: we have no idea either.

seriously, where in the campus does the foyer begin? and where does it end? and can anyone point out the location of the mystical student concourse that shifts its location with the sands of time? back when i was in cimp, i heard the concourse was that strip of concrete connecting the then called 'foyer' with the then called 'cafeteria'. now they have 'new age' names like 'discussion area' and 'food court'.

food price trivia time!
brought to you by mbcjournalist

how much was the hotdog (set) and the burger (set) last year?
answer: 2.00 and 2.20

how much are they now?
2.20 and 2.50

*prices are subject to a 5 percent variability and we are 95 percent confident they are correct

clearly, as you are, i am flabbergasted at this turn of events. let us, as a united student body, rise up and boldly speak against the corporate profit mongers. let us defend our right to cheap and filling food. let us go outside and eat lah. i heard one 2 eat (orange shop) is doing well.

but i digress. before we present to you the drive and the sale, the blog brings you the prep.

making a booth backdrop is tedious work

the mbc legacy - the bookshelf

making your own t-shirt is more tedious

but there's a sense of achievement lah

and since we like danny so much, here's one of him hard at rest

rachel's finger pallette. hey don't laugh she's the best shirt painter among us

the final product. and mbc's tentative new catchphrase!

many thanks to those who came, helped, and bore witness to mbc's staunch logic - if we make our own shirts, we save money! we tear our hair out in frustration but, hey! more money for us! hooray!

moral of the story: where does the money go to hmm?


QueenSLeen said...

the shirt is dammnnn chun!!!



Anonymous said...

Hmm...seems that they are having fun without me...:( sigh...

well, correction about the foyer, the foyer is the front part of uni which expands from the first rows of white tables of sunway college and up to the last rows of blue tables on the first floor. Those in the cafeteria are not called the foyers. they are simply called cafeteria.

MBC book sale starts again...i think i have no participation in this already since i've graduated..haha...but i would certainly like to participate by selling my books there...(as well as notes) anyone interested? haha...just kidding..i didnt bring my books back here frm sabah..

you guys are lucky...there are no 1901 hotdog stand during my u all can eat DECENT hotdogs..who cares about hotdogs from the cafeteria which price had rose from 2.2 to 2.5? although admittedly the hotdogs of 1901 is a little tad more expensive, but think of that HUGE hotdog you will get, rather than that flimsy, chopped-into-half hotdog that the cafeteria sells.

I hope I can go back there and have a look around as well as get my monash deposit back...its quite a sum. :P hope i still feel that i belong to that uni...

an advice from a senior...enjoy what you can...even STUDYING can be your joy. YES! studying! its going to be significantly different out here when u work. enjoy life, enjoy your friends, enjoy the assignments, enjoy the lecturers and tutors, enjoy the exams and tests, and most importantly enjoy the burger stall as well as the tau fu fa stall at the side gate.

Hmm...I wish to go with u guys to redang :) hope you guys can put it on a friday saturday and sunday.

I think i posted too much here, wish you all good luck this semester (try to fail as many times as you can (if you can afford it) and enjoy the life in uni) and for the monash virgins, (firsts years la), JOIN MBC!!!! IT ROCKS!!!!

Posted by what you drink everyday