Thursday, April 05, 2007

C&S week (or Clubs and Societies week, in case you go like ‘what?’)

Thanks to the PRs who made this attractive backdrop... Good Job!!

The much anticipated C&S week has finally arrived! It all happened during Week 4 of Monash’s academic calendar. However, it was only for 3 days, from 20 March to 22 March (Tuesday to Thursday). During that week, MBC, of course, set a booth at the foyer, alongside with other clubs (competitors *ahem*), to recruit newbies, AND TO LET OLD-IES RENEW MEMBERSHIP. =p

So what did MBC do at the booth?

Well, other than the usual member recruitment drive, we also sold our one-and-only MBC “Bill Them All” T-Shirt to students, especially MBC’s members. At the same time, we promoted our Networking Party and sold the tickets.

During our EARLIER RECRUITMENT DRIVE DURING WEEK 2,we recruited about 50 over new members. In total, we have 101 members in MBC if we did not miss out anyone and excluding committees. That would make MBC a “Dalmatians Club”. LOL. After the C&S week’s recruitment, we have another 5 new members coming in. Also, we managed to sell a number of t-shirts during that week.

Thanks to all who signed up as a member of MBC’s big family. And thanks to members who were on duty during the C&S week and those who have contributed to this activity. Please continue to support MBC and involve actively in our events. Hope to see all of you again in our future activities.

Our MBC's Charlie Angles... Anyone wants their numbers?? =P


Reporter: Jeannie

Editors: Laura & Jac

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